Freitag, Juni 28, 2013

A holiday pack ideas? We are numb! :)

We are planning a holiday pack, but we have no idea what would you want. Some older sub swimsuits? Or maybe a compilation of some make-up to make your Sims prettier on windsurf? Bunch of beach homes? Cute homes for your beach turtles? We can't get that all, but we can get a lot. We are planning to send a pack every 2 weeks, since we have a lot of free time and we also have a twisted way to ask for thank you (don't worry, it's free :D, but not blood-free for us, since Monn is going to kill us all - but hey, it's for greater good - a good mood Monn, more downs for you!). So... what do you want?

Enjoy your holiday, jump to some real sea and when you have stormy days, we are here to provide you some sunny stuff to have fun with.


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