Mittwoch, Mai 08, 2013

TSR 08/05/13 Pack //download

Hello, here is Sophia with today's TSR pack! If you are tired of the constant opening of files, this is your solution. Open the .zip, move the files to Downloads folder and start simming. We are glad that you enjoyed the yesterday's one (the downloads cound is maybe small for someone, but for us OVERWHELMING), we love you :*

There's stll that file-hosting problem, but the thing is probably slowly setting down as we move files to file-upload, they seem safe here for now.

But, the thing you are interested in... what does today's pack contain? Well, just as yesterday, all the TSR subsriber items for today, which are:

319  - Designer Set by sims2fanbg

Cat Style Eyeliner by Pralinesims


Sleeveless Crocheted the Waist Dress by Harmonia

Want it separately? Don't like one of the files? Click our Home button and choose the ones you like - we provide also separate downloads.

If you like today's set, send us a comment or give us a reaction (lustig for great, interessant for - suprisingly - interesting or doof, in case you think this idea sucks - also, give us a comment what should we make better).

Again, we hope you enjoy and Isabelle is at tomorrow's run, so come back!



PS: We made Monika's Sim! Check her out! (at Featured)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Andy, we are terribly sorry! We deleted your comment, it was an accident. Anyway, we love to see you back and we hope you'll come back again!
